Continuing education.
Writings about the process, the growth, the grind and the beauty of the Enneagram.
The Way Forward
How does the Enneagram shed light on our differences and teach us how to move forward in the face of uncertainty?
How the Enneagram Types Help and Hurt Their Team
Let’s dive into the strengths and blind spots of the Enneagram Types and how each type affects their team at work.
Enneagram Subtypes: Explained
Critical to understanding the Enneagram are Enneagram Subtypes. Let’s dive into what Enneagram Subtypes are, how they’re formed, how to determine your subtype, and briefly discuss all 27 subtypes!
5 Reasons Enneagram Coaching Might be Right for You
5 Reasons Enneagram Coaching Might be Right for You: If any of the reasons resonate with you, it might be worth exploring Enneagram Coaching as an option for your self-development journey!
Nothing is new, except me.
I finally saw why this new job, new city, new relationship was going to ultimately yield the same frustrating results - because the common denominator was me.
The Road to Beyond Your Type
We seem to expect the road to our ideal job should be a short, straight and smooth ride. It has been anything but that for me.
Beginners Tips for the Enneagram Journey
Here are some important beginnings I would encourage anyone to consider when approaching this ancient tool.