Enneagram Subtypes: Explained

Critical to understanding the Enneagram are Enneagram Subtypes. Let’s dive into what Enneagram Subtypes are, how they’re formed, how to determine your subtype, and briefly discuss all 27 subtypes!

As a Chesnut-Paes Certified Enneagram Professional, I studied under the renowned Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes from whom I learned Enneagram Subtype Theory. Beatrice is known for her work of building out the 27 subtypes in her book (and my Enneagram bible) The Complete Enneagrama dense yet essential book for your Enneagram growth.

So, you might be thinking — “Wait… what? There’s more than 9 Enneagram types?” Yes, sister. There are more like 54 different types BUT we’re just going to dig into the 27 subtypes today.

Let’s talk about what the heck I mean when I say subtypes.

What are Enneagram Subtypes and how are they formed?

There are 3 subtypes of each type making 27 subtypes.

Subtypes are formed by the mixing of the Passion of the Type with one of the three instinctual (survival) drives: self-preservation instinct, social instinct or sexual instinct. We all have access to the three instincts but there tends to be one more frequently running the show.


The Enneagram Passion exists in the emotional center of our ego (our hearts) and is the "passion" or emotion that drives us to do what we do.

So, when we mix the energy of the Passion with the energy of one of the survival instincts, we get the subtype — our passion operating in (unconscious) overdrive to help us survive.

Why should I care?

The Enneagram is a tool to move beyond your ego self to your higher self through raising your self-awareness. Your type (and subtype) is equivalent to your ego. They are masks you wear to stay safe. But these masks separate you from wholeness, from essence. You must know what your masks looks like so you can take it off and let your whole, higher self shine.

Additionally, many people are mistyped because they haven’t discovered subtypes. If you feel uncertain about your dominant type, it could be really helpful to learn about all 27 subtypes to see if you can identify yourself in one of them.

Our subtype behaviors are even more unconscious than our type behaviors so finding your subtype helps bring your ego into the light even more. When we shine light on our unconscious behaviors, we wake up from the trance of our ego and can finally step into conscious living.

How do I determine my subtype?

Like determining your dominant type, I encourage the journey of self-discovery by studying each subtype of your dominant type.

Do not turn to the definition of the instincts to determine your subtype.


Because when the passion of each type mixes with one of the instincts, very specific behaviors manifest.

So, study the subtype descriptions, observe yourself, overtime— see which one you relate to most. You will likely relate to all three subtypes and the work is to determine which one you relate to most. This will be your subtype.

Again, if you’ve been feeling like your dominant type doesn’t quite fit, I suggest reading all 27 subtypes. Some people can't find their core type until they find their subtype.

If you’re still struggling to determine your Enneagram type and subtype and would like short cut :) — schedule an Expert Typing Interview with me.

What is a Countertype?

Yeah.. what the heck is that?

Among the three subtypes of each type, there is a so-called “countertype”. This subtype tends to look the least like the the archetype of the dominant type. And, there tends to be an internal tension they experience because the energy of the dominant instinct goes against the energy of the passion of that type.

Okay, now that we’ve laid the foundation for why subtypes are important… it’s time for the good stuff!

enneagram map

The 27 Enneagram Subtypes

As you read through these, I want you to remember this: at the subtype level, the passion of each type manifests in specific behaviors and mindsets based on your dominant survival instinct (self-preservation, social or sexual).

Type 8 Subtypes

Passion: Lust

Lust relates to developing and expanding one’s energy to the point of excess. It is an insatiable desire for the satisfaction of desires. It rebels against limitations.

Self-Preservation Eight (SP8): Satisfaction

The passion of lust manifests as a huge focus on obtaining material security for their survival. SP8s put an emphasis on their ability to take care of themselves and get their own needs met. While still more expressive than the other nine types, the SP8 is the least expressive of the three Eight subtypes. They are matter-of-fact people who ruthlessly go after what they want. They are the most guarded of the three Eights.

Social Eight (SO8): Solidarity, countertype

The passion of lust manifests in their service, focus and loyalty to others and life. Because they put so much energy in protecting others, they are always on the move doing for "their people." And thus, they lose connection to their own needs for love and care. They are the most congenial of the Eight subtypes. At times, lust for SO8s manifests as an affinity for projects or collecting things.

Sexual Eight (SX8): Possession

The passion of lust manifests as an outspoken rebellion towards others and the status quo. This charismatic Eight has a larger than life presence that when entering into a space takes over the whole room. SX8s are the most emotional and passionate of the three Eight subtypes. They tend to be possessive of their relationships as well as with things, places and circumstances.

Type 9 Subtypes

Passion: Sloth

Sloth relates to doing all possible actions but the right one. In a way, it's a hipnotic action that makes them fall asleep to their own feelings, opinions, desires in an effort to keep the peace and create harmony.

Self-Preservation Nine (SP9): Appetite

The passion of sloth manifests through busying themselves with routine or physical activities like eating, reading, or playing games as a way to make themselves feel comfortable. SP9s are the most practical and concrete of the three Nine subtypes which also makes them the most stubborn. They find experience much easier to comprehend than theory or abstraction. They enjoy alone time more than the other subtypes.

Social Nine (SO9): Participation, countertype

The passion of sloth manifests through merging with and supporting groups, so much so that they forget their own needs. SO9s can be workaholics and lose their sense of self in service to the group. Their need to be a part of the group is because they feel they don’t belong. SO9s are often very talkative, light-hearted, outgoing and fun-loving but no matter how hard they work, they still feel they don’t belong.

Sexual Nine (SX9): Fusion

The passion of sloth manifests through losing themselves in another. They are unconsciously seeking a sense of self – which they lack – through merging with another. More than the other three Nine subtypes, they take on the feelings, opinions, desires and beliefs of those important others in their lives. They look to others to tell them who they are and find purpose. Meeting the needs of their close attachments causes them to deny their own needs. SX9s tend to be shy, gentle, sweet and are the least assertive of the Nines.

Type 1 Subtypes

Passion: Anger

Anger relates to feeling irritated by what is different from one’s understanding of what’s right or appropriate or of not being able to reach their idea of perfection. It manifests as repressed frustration, irritation or resentment.

Self-Preservation One (SP1): Worry

The passion of anger manifests through a strong compulsion to worry about things not going well. They are the most self-critical of the three subtypes but least critical of others. SP1s repress anger the most and work hard to present as gentle, forgiving and sweet. However, the anger leaks out as body tension, micromanagement, control and resentment. Relaxing is hard because they are always anxious about what needs to be done.

Social One (SO1): Non-Adaptability

The passion of anger manifests through striving to be the perfect role model for others. Less perfectionist, they are more focused on uphold high morality as it relates to what they view as the right way to be and then, teach it to others. Because of this, SO1s learn to suppress emotion at a young age and are often labeled "good boys and girls" for obedient behavior. Anger is less repressed and manifests as self-righteousness.

Sexual One (Sx1): Zeal, countertype

The passion of anger manifests through perfecting others. Anger is least repressed with this One subtype. SX1s can be the most impatient and least controlled of the three subtypes. Passionate about advocating for what is right, they focus on reforming others and the world. They tend to be the most playful, energetic and assertive. They may repress pain and then secretly "be bad" as a way to cope.

Type 2 Subtypes

Passion: Pride

Pride relates to the feeling of puffing oneself up to be exactly what other people need or want. It manifests as believing they don't have as many needs as others. It shows up more like "false humility" or "I can handle anything" mentality.

Self-Preservation Two (SP2): Privilege, countertype

The passion of pride manifests through showing up childlike to seduce others to meet their needs and take care of them. As the countertype, they look the least "Two-ish." They have an unconscious belief that being young and a child means you are important and therefore, your needs will be met by others. They can be incredibly competent - but fear taking care of themselves. SP2s present as fearful and shy, yet charming and playful.

Social Two (SO2): Ambition

The passion of pride manifests through having influence and power by seducing and supporting the group. They display more confidence than the other Two subtypes and tend to be the most intellectual. SO2s are supportive leaders but their "false humility" keeps them from being comfortable as the boss or CEO. Although they are more comfortable on a stage than the other Two subtypes, they tend to be more introverted and private.

Sexual (SX2): Aggressive/Seductive

The passion of pride manifests as seducing certain individuals as a way of getting their needs met. They present themselves as the perfect partner. SXs tend to be flirty, generous, devoted and passionate. They get their needs met by "not having needs" to create a strong attachment with the other person. They justify their wildness and at times, selfishness in the name of love. However, they may confuse love with being desired.

Type 3 Subtypes

Passion: Self-Deceit

Self-deceit relates to the feeling of trying to be who they are not. It manifests as unconsiously adapting who they are in each situation to be admired. This constant shape-shifting causes them to lose connection to who they truly are.

Self-Preservation (SP3): Security, countertype

The passion of self-deceit manifests through looking virtuous and striving to be virtuous. They seek security but very work hard to provide this to themselves through self-sufficiency and autonomy. They want to be someone others rely on. Underneath, SP3s are anxious about the stress it takes to achieve this security. They are more modest and less vain than the other Three subtypes but can be the most intense workaholics of all 27 subtypes.

Social (SO3): Prestige

The passion of self-deceit manifests through desiring to shine before the whole world and have influence with others. The most "three-ish" of the Three subtypes, SO3s enjoy recognition and applause the most. They are keenly adept at creating a flawless image then marketing and selling this brand. They are the most aggressive and competitive Three and are confident leading others. Their anxiety comes from being overexposed if they open up.

Sexual (SX3): Charisma

The passion of self-deceit manifests through creating an attractive image based on conventional standards. They put a strong focus on beauty, sex appeal and pleasing others. Their intense focus on being the "perfect partner" disconnects them from their own inner world. Oftentimes, SX3s report a deep sadness underneath. They are the most emotional of the Three subtypes. Less competitive, their success comes from helping others succeed.

Type 4 Subtypes

Passion: Envy

Envy relates to wishing for what is absent or admired and comparing oneself with whomever seems to have it. It manifests as a painful feeling of being made with spare parts and believing everyone else is whole or more worthy.

Self-Preservation Four (SP4): Tenacity, countertype

The passion of envy manifests through working hard to get what others have that they feel they lack. However, whatever they get, it never feels like enough. Though they may feel all of the shame, sadness and envy that the other Fours do, SP4s hide their emotions because they believe to be loved, they must be tough or happy. They are hard-working in an effort to prove they are worthy. They wear endurance and self-sacrifice like a badge of honor.

Social Four (SO4): Shame

The passion of envy manifests through comparing oneself to others and always believing they are at the bottom of the group. SO4s express their suffering more than the other Fours and hope to be acknowledged in their suffering. They tend to be sad, melancholy and overly sensitive. They stand firm in their belief that something is wrong with them, even if evidence is presented that they are good and worthy. They believe their emotions are reality.

Sexual Four (SX4): Competition

The passion of envy manifests through competition with the other. This competition and need to feel superior is driven by an underlying sense of inferiority. They care less about being liked and are more focused on being the best. SX4s can be the angriest of all 27 types. They can "make others suffer" as a way to compensate for how others have made them suffer. In a way, they refuse to suffer and actively insist on being validated and affirmed.

Type 5 Subtypes

Passion: Avarice

Avarice relates to closing the heart to both receiving and giving. It manifests as a fear of feeling and trusting intellect more than feeling. It's a need to hoard your energy because the focus is on scarcity and fear of being depleted.

Self-Preservation Five (SP5): Castle

The passion of avarice manifests through building walls to protect themselves from life and people. SP5s withdraw into their own "castle" -- house or personal space -- to feel safe. They focus on having only what they need to get by in their castle so the contact with the outside world is minimal. They have a hard time disclosing things about themselves, especially emotions. In the few relationships they have, they securely attach and try to avoid conflict.

Social Five (SO5): Totem

The passion of avarice manifests through feasting on knowledge and a desire to be labeled an expert in that field. They relate to others through shared intellect and ideals rather than through emotional connection. SO5s are on the search for meaning, fearing the notion that life is meaningless. The search for the extraordinary turns them off from everyday life. They prefer not to feel, yet they present as sociable and communicative.

Sexual Five (SX5): Confidence, countertype

The passion of avarice manifests through searching for the ideal relationship but are very picky in the search. SX5s tend to be romantic, creative and intense but still have a need for privacy. They live in their inner world, ideating and dreaming about this ideal love. The most connected to their emotions of the Five subtypes, they tend to express their feelings through artistic mediums. They are easily let down by others due to their high standards.

Type 6 Subtypes

Passion: Fear

Fear relates to the heart’s need to constantly anticipate what will happen as a way of trying to feel safe. It is an intolerance to uncertainty and a fixation on potential threats. It is a constant, shivering state of the heart generating anxiety, worry or skepticism.

Self-Preservation Six (SP6): Warmth

The passion of fear manifests through a focus on gaining the protection of others to survive. SP6s seek friendly connections for security, so they tend to be trustworthy, warm and supportive. They feel fear more than the other 6 subtypes. They tend to run away from danger (flight) rather than fight. Filled with the most self-doubt and uncertainty, they trust others over themselves. They are the most scared of anger and get stuck in analysis paralysis.

Social Six (SO6): Duty

The passion of fear manifests through adhering to authority or ideologies to feel safe and secure. They tend to be legalistic, intellectual, obedient and dogmatic. SO6s fear ambiguity. They fear the disapproval of the authority they have entrusted. They seek safety through following the rules laid out by their chosen authority. They adhere to the group code and thus, don't have room for spontaneity. Non-dualistic thinking is very hard for them.

Sexual Six (SX6): Strength/Beauty, Countertype

The passion of fear manifests through masking their fear with strength, intimidation and intensity. Often unconscious of the fear underneath, SX6s go against perceived danger with force. They tend to be risky, rebellious, alert and troublemakers. They can be very contrarian because they aren't afraid of debating. Though they present as confident, they struggle with doubt and making decisions because they believe there is only one truth.

Type 7 Subtypes

Passion: Gluttony

Gluttony relates to wishing to have a little bit of all positive possibilities in life. It’s an insatiable hunger for stimulation, pleasure, and variety, leaving one emotionally empty. It's a fear of missing out, limitations and boredom.

Self-Preservation Seven (SP7): Keeper of the castle

The passion of gluttony manifests through collecting a family of individuals around them to get their needs met. They are alert to opportunities around them to support their need for resources and hedonistic lifestyle. SP7s are the most self-referencing of the Seven subtypes. However, they present as warm and generous because they get pleasure from others relying on them. They are more cynically distrustful and sly than the other Sevens.

Social Seven (SO7): Sacrifice, countertype

The passion of gluttony manifests through sacrificing themselves for others in an effort to go against the self-serving nature of gluttony. There is an unconscious tension of being inherently self-referencing but not wanting others to see that. So, they strive to be seen as altruistic to avoid seeming selfish. Their focus is on solving the pain of the world. SO7s believe a Utopian world is possible and expect their partners to evolve toward perfection.

Sexual Seven (SX7): Suggestibility

The passion of gluttony manifests through an endless fantasizing about things of a higher world. Their heads are in the clouds and they see the world through rose-colored glasses. SX7s are overly optimistic dreamers who fall in love intensely. SX7s spend time in their imagination to unconsciously avoid anything bad that might be happening. They naively believe people are who they say they are. The charmed world of their minds avoids reality.


So, have you determined your subtype? If so, let me know in the comments! If not, buy The Complete Enneagram by Beatrice Chestnut and sit with the descriptions for a while.

Questions? Drop them below.



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