Let’s work together!

Check out my offerings below!

If you aren’t sure where to start, drop me a line here.

I look forward to connecting with you and supporting you on your growth journey.

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Service One

typing interview

$175 | 2-hr interview includes:
A series of questions to get to the core motivations behind your behaviors guiding you to a deeper understanding of your type.

If you have struggled to determine your dominant Enneagram type, you can hire me to perform an Expert Typing Interview to help you discover your type.


 Service Two

1:1 Coaching

$1175 | package includes:
2-hr Pre-Coaching Interview
Eight 1-Hr Coaching Sessions

The From Ego to Essence program will help you love yourself, let go of defeating patterns, and get clear on your purpose. We will use the Enneagram framework to observe default behaviors and mindsets, inquire as to why they exist and develop new paths beyond your type for healing and growth. We will meet every week and there is homework between each session to help you grow.

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 Service Three

for teams

If your people aren’t healthy, neither is your company.

Bring the Enneagram to the workplace (in-person or virtual) to increase your team’s compassion for one another, to better understand strengths and weaknesses and plot paths for growth for each individual.

Schedule a call with me to discuss the best workshop format for your company and team.


 Client Lovin’


I have worked with Myers-Briggs, DISC and other personality tests. How is The Enneagram different than these?

Other personality tests are reductive in nature. The Enneagram is a tool for growth. It helps you see your personality (or ego) that you wear as a mask and shows you how to grow beyond the traits of your personality. It focuses on how we activate our head, heart or gut to navigate life.

I took a test and it said I’m three different types. Is that possible?

No, we are only dominant in one type although we have access to all nine types on some level. Your test results probably indicated that you could be one of several types. These results are a good place to start. Go read about the top three types in your results to see if one of those fits you best.

I see a lot of people in Christian circles talking about The Enneagram. Do I have to be a Christian or religious to subscribe to The Enneagram?

Absolutely not. The Enneagram is a psychospiritual tool, meaning it is important to do both psychological work as well as spiritual work. But, the spirituality is not associated with any religion. We just ask you to be open to the mysteries of life and open to the souls that live inside all of us.

I don’t like personality tests. One test can’t define me. Is this just another fun teen magazine quiz?

You’re right. We’re way more complex than a personality test. The Enneagram shows us which personality we are dominant and actually shows us that we are way MORE than our personality. It shows us how to grow beyond our type, to access other types to reach our greatest potential.

There are lots of Enneagram tests. Which one should I take?

Test are not actually the best way to discover your type. Test can be conditional based on when, where and why you took the test. It is best to read about and study all nine types to discover which is your dominant type. If you’re still stuck, schedule an Expert Typing Interview with me.

I’m interested in learning more about The Enneagram. What books do you recommend?

For beginners on this journey, I recommend The Art of The Enneagram by Ginger Lapid-Bogda. And for those ready for a deeper dive, The Complete Enneagram by Beatrice Chesnut is the ultimate Enneagram book - be ready to be wowed, challenged and changed.